This presentation will focus on considerations of social justice, diversity, and inclusion in the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of music information literacy instruction.  Areas such as access, search and retrieval, discovery, collection development / management, copyright, and information ethics within music libraries and among music collections will be explored within a pedagogical framework through the lens of critical librarianship.  The session aims to raise awareness, spur critical thinking, and foster dialogue among music information workers and others (particularly those who teach) about systemic racism, discrimination, bias, and related issues in information environments, in order to better understand the nuances and contexts of the areas in which they (we) work and the systems of which we are all a part.  In achieving this, librarians and other educators will be better equipped to recognize the injustices and inequalities (as well as the privileges and preferences) within the field(s) and to readily respond to these in the classroom.  Students, in turn, will ultimately benefit from information literacy instruction that addresses a wider range of considerations, questions, and issues that currently dot the landscape of music information work.